Wolfram, Maximillian & Graham
The ColoRATos

2002 - 20 April 2005

2002 - 14 Dec 2004

2002 - 2 Dec 2004

Maximillian, Graham and Wolfram

The ColoRATos, Wolfram, Graham and Maximillian, were the first VB rats in Colorado. They joined the team January 31, 2003, leaving behind the feeder tanks at a local pet store in Louisville. Their luxurious cage offered the timid trio enough space to stretch their tails and build the confidence necessary to begin venturing out with the team.

Soon they were roaming the entire house as well as being escorted outside for various photo shoots. Their images became prominent on many beer labels and they even starred in their own commercials! Eventually, they got an entire room to themselves where they could freely roam about, sleep under the dresser, eat a treat in the closet or a box under the bed, or just lounge about the giant cage.

Max raids the closet... but he's clearly not alone (note Graham's tail and Wolfram's nose).

Wolfram acting innocent

Max and Graham then hit the shoes.

Wolfram working on that perfect pose for his beer label, Wolfram's Courage.

Graham, not wanting to be outdone, poses quietly for his Lab Rat beer label.

Max sets up the shot for the Honey Harvest label.

After a full life of playing, eating, and living up to the Vermin Brewing Mascot name, Graham began to suffer from a series of unknown illnesses. After several complete recoveries, he finally passed away in his sleep. Shortly thereafter, Maximillian also began to lose his appetite, have difficulty breathing, and slowed down considerably. He too passed in his sleep.

Graham in camouflage

Wolfram on the move

Wolfram is less than pleased with this kind of treatment.

Wolfram, being more of a "rat's rat", took this all very hard. Suddenly forced to deal with humans as his only form of companionship, he became a recluse for weeks. But eventually yummy treats and nice rubs behind the ears convinced him that people, maybe, just maybe, weren't as bad as he had thought. Eventually he too began to grow weaker and passed away suddenly one night in the arms of one of his beloved humans.

White rat, biological industry
"They were definitely hard working rats."
Warf rat, shipping division
"They were good rats. Life just doesn't seem fair at times."